Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Double Workouts

Three of my training days last week were double workout days. I either swam first then rode (rollers or trainer), or I rode first and then went for a run after a fairly short "T2." I wasn't pushing anything for any of the workouts, I was just trying to put in some miles and saddle time. I was also trying to attain my training goal of 13.5 hours in a week.

I've been reading Joe Friel's "The Triathlete's Training Bible," which is highly recommended reading, and I've been talking with my sister-in-law training partner about properly preparing for this thing. Truthfully, it was my sister-in-law who first proposed a very well fleshed out training plan for me and I'm doing my best to adopt and adapt the plan to fit my needs. The plan called for 13.5 hours of training last week as well as this Thanksgiving week. Given my daily schedule, the only way I can put in that time is multiple workouts throughout the day.

Of course, I'm no stranger to multiple workouts, however, I have not done them this early in the season before. I really think I handled them well (not pushing and keeping things aerobic) and I'm not really tired from them. However, I did take the weekend off, due to some previously scheduled events that would have made doing even one workout a day quite difficult. I rode (rollers) yesterday and ran this morning and it felt great. I think the combination of ramping up the training and then taking some time to rest and recover is a wonderful thing.

This, of course, is one of the basic tenets of training: stress a physiological system then let it rest and recover. It's just pretty neat to see such on-the-surface results from it all. Nice to know I'm making some progress in this long journey!

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